Martin Rees, Jeweller and Pawnbroker

Contacting us

The address is:

Martin Rees
61 Chester St
Wrexham, Wales
United Kingdom
LL13 8BA


The number is 01978 266887


We use Facebook Messenger
Find us on Facebook


- sill open an email in your default email program

Opening hours:

We are open Monday to Saturday
9:30am - 5pm
Most days, we stay open during lunch hour.  But if we are short-staffed we may have to close, so don't make a special trip, without checking with us first.

Thinking about selling or pledging your jewellery?  We cannot give a definite price on any item until we have examined it.

Nearest Car Parks

There are 2 car parks in Market St, the entrances are very close to each other.  For Sat Nav both use the same postcode: LL13 8BY.  They are both run by Wrexham council.
At the time of writing (April 2024) there is free parking for Blue Badge holders.
Market St Car Park is at ground level, short stay, max 3 hours.
Ty Pawb Car Park is multi-storey, all except Level 1 are long-stay.
Click here for charges and further details of all town centre car parks run by the council.  Links to Wrexham Council website.

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Eagles Meadow Car Park, LL13 8DG, It's a little further away, but very clean and well lit, and there are nice clean toilets on the shopping level.
Click here for details of charges on their website.  The Autopay system has been in use for several years now!

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